Saturday, January 14, 2012
The Charlie Sheen Rant
Recently Charlie sheen has been all over the Internet and entertainment talk shows about his famous addictions and hooker loving problem.
First off, go to Vegas. There are hooker loving people everywhere! If charlie sheen wants to be with hookers or call girls or woman with more cushion for the push in then I say that's his choice. He certainly had the money to do it so stop hating. I'm sick of media blowing stars life choices out of proportion. Normal everyday non star people do all the same crap stars do just on a less richer scale. Then you have media attacking these stars, at these point you can Que the average joes who make all the same choices as these stars and they become hypocrites and start bashing on celebrities about how deplorable there choices are.
Secondly about his drug or drinking habits. Plenty of people struggle with addiction everyday in the world. Stripping them of their dignity and blaming them for things they say and do while on their preferred substance will not help them. You make yourself seem like an unsupportive ass. I have at one point struggled with addiction in my life and I can swear by the fact that I have done things and said things while messed up that I would certainly not do while sober.
Just because your rich or famous does not make you flawless. I'm just saying that we are no better as minimum wage people then they are as rich people. Yes, stars mess up but so don't we. They just mess up with more flare cause they have the money to dumb things with style. People are picking and choosing who's a better actor, actress or singer based on their life choices and not their talent. Stars aren't supposed to be role models for how we live our personal lives. Their characters may be but not them as a person. They can be role models also for their acting or singing ability but not their everyday choices. END RANT
Charlie Sheen,
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