Monday, September 17, 2012

Fifty Shades Of Grey Trilogy

This Book is something I heard about through word of mouth and decided to read because I was told quite a few times by a couple friends that it was a great book..

Spoilers may be in this so reader beware:..

        This is something that started off as a fan fiction of twilight or so I've been told. There are Some connections I was able to make. The mothers the doctor in the book instead of the father like in twilight. There are only 3 adopted children instead of 5 like in twilight. The main man in the book Mr. Christian Grey who I suppose started off as the Edward Cullin of the book. He plays piano like Edward and holds his self aloof like the twilight character..

        That being said... I've read quiet a few reviews of the books after I completed the trilogy. It's a hit with sales but there are others who complain its garbage.
        These are erotic books plain and simple. There are sex scenes every 3 to five pages and if your looking for something with more story behind all the sex and babbling insecurities of the lead woman Mrs. Anastasia Steele, then don't Erotica read a romance.

        This book is a book that will get your blood pumping, your heart rate up and your thighs squeezing together. I assume that's what the author was going for. I also admit that the angle of him being molested was a risky move for any author and I will admit when I first read that he still talked to the woman who did all those horrible things to him I almost burned the book but alas my OCD reading habit won't let me rest till I finish a series or trilogy no matter if I like the book or not. Other then the gross relationship between the male character and the pedophile it was a good erotica. The only other complaint I had was the woman character was a mass of seething insecurities and was over analytical to the point that she would go over the same thing like five or six times. I could done without that. Now I end this with a congrats to the Author since she's not a person who was a full time writer but someone who took a hobby and turned it in to a success and maybe a life long career.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Darkest Powers Trilogy

The Summoning
(Darkest Powers 1) 2008

My name is Chloe Saunders and my life will never be the same again.

All i wanted was to make friends. Meet boys, and keep on being ordinary. I don't even know what that means anymore. It all started on the day that I saw my first ghost-- and the ghost saw me.

Now there are ghost everywhere and they won't leave me alone. To top it off, I somehow got myself locked up in Lyle House, a "special home" for troubled teens. Yet the home isn't what it seems. Don't tell anyone, but I think there might be more to my house mate's then meets the eye. The question is, whose side are they on? It's up to me to figure out the dangers secrets behind Lyle House.... Before it's skeletons come back to haunt me.

The Awakening
(Darkest Powers 2) 2009

        If you had met me a few weeks ago, you probably would have described me as an average teenage girl-- someone normal. Now my life has changed forever and I'm as far away from normal as it gets. I'm a living science experiment! Not only can I see ghosts, but I was genetically altered by a sinister oranization called the Edison Group. What does that mean? For starters....
       I'm a teenage necromancer whose powers are out of control: I raise the dead without even trying. Trust me that is not a power you want to have. EVER!

       Now I'm running for my life with three of my supernatural friends- A charming sorcerer, a cynical werewolf and a half demon. We have to find someone who can help us before the Edison Group find us first. Or die trying.

The Reckoning
(Darkest Powers 3) 2010

Chloe Saunders is fifteen and would love to be normal. Unfortunatly, Chloe happens to be a genetically engeneered necromancer who can raise the dead without even trying. She and her equally gifted (or should that be cursed?) Friends are now running for their lives from the evil corporation that created them.

As if that's not enough, Chloe is struggling with her feelings for Simon, a sweet tempered sorcerer, and his brother Derek, a not so sweet tempered werewolf... Defenitly not normal.

(Spoilers are quiet possible so reader beware!!)

As a teen series (and it is a teen series..) it's a good series. If you have read Kelly Armstrong's "Women Of The Other World" series then there are consistant things in this series as that one.

As a reader of both series I appreciate this. Consistancy is a must that some authors seem to forget.. With this series like the other there are still Cabal's, the pack is still in New York (they even bring up the pictures of the hacked up werewolf that are mentioned in women of the other world, Clay's work). Now since there is a second trilogy off of this one hopefully Mrs. Armstrong will find a way to make all the series connect at the end. I mean there is room for it with a werewolf and and witch born with a sorcerer and another witch... Do you see the possibilities??

Anyway if you are looking for a little teenage drama with light romance (it's for teens so nothing gets past first base in the series), then this is a quick and cute series to start with. If you are slightly older and looking for a little more then a PG rating but want that same genre I recommend checking out the "Women Of The Other World" series.

Kelly Armstrongs a good writer who can keep stories close enough to stay seperate or close enough to intertwine if nessesary.

I rate this series 3 1/2 stars. This is only because it's a teen series and it seem to come to a close too quickly. But the writings great and the storys fun so by all means give it a read..

Friday, March 9, 2012

Vampires Are People too!!

Okay, Before I get in to my rant of vampires, werewolf and ghosts, Oh My! I want to point out that I neither believe or disbelieve in vampires and such. I am one of those people where I have to see actual proof or have evidence to disprove it. That goes with everything in life. So lets say I’m on the fence in most everything from ghost to vampires to demons and god.
Anyway, moving on.

Now Vampires….

First off why do people always assume vampires wear black. Don’t get me wrong I like the color black but honestly wearing black all the time is just blah. Now if you age I hate to tell you this your are neither vampire nor immortal. Vampires don’t die, that is at least the one thing all books, movies and shows have agreed upon.

Second if vampires existed I totally understand why we don’t know they do. I’m human and even I know that anytime we come across something we don’t understand we either kill it or experiment and dissect it. This is something I frown upon cause honestly what makes us so special that we can play destroyer just cause we’re scared. We cant be mad if we aren’t on top of the food chain cause that my friends is the circle of life and anyone who has watched Lion King as a kid should very well know that. We kill animals to survive so maybe something needs to kill us to survive. Get over it! Also I might point out that some vampire books and movies say that they only take what they need and don’t have to kill us which is really not that bad.

On to my next thing.. Why does everyone assume there cursed and soulless? Why do people automatically think vampires and Satan go hand in hand. The way I see it is if vampires were real I’d imagine they’d be the same personality wise as they were while they were mortal. They don’t need to be soulless. As far as cursed.. Living without the possibility of getting diseases and looking great eternally doesn’t seem so cursed to me. Now if they cant ingest food like chocolate for that eternity then yes that’s kind of a curse but they again, everything has a price and in today’s economy that’s pretty cheap a cost considering.
And lastly, lets put the non existent heart beat to rest. Maybe if they do sleep during the day, MAYBE there heart might stop but at night when there out and about they have a heart beat. I know this for the simple fact that you cant function without one. This has been proven to anyone who knows anyone who’s died. There heart stops they don’t move. So we can lay that little theory to rest. If there’s no heart beat they cant walk, talk, or pretty much anything. Now let me just end this on a nice little note of saying if there’s a heart beat in vampires and they do exist I want it put on record that if you kill said vampire its murder. Heart beat means living which means murder. Thanks for listening. Next time I might have a few questions on the theory of werewolf’s and other shape shifters.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Charlie Sheen Rant

Recently Charlie sheen has been all over the Internet and entertainment talk shows about his famous addictions and hooker loving problem.

First off, go to Vegas. There are hooker loving people everywhere! If charlie sheen wants to be with hookers or call girls or woman with more cushion for the push in then I say that's his choice. He certainly had the money to do it so stop hating. I'm sick of media blowing stars life choices out of proportion. Normal everyday non star people do all the same crap stars do just on a less richer scale. Then you have media attacking these stars, at these point you can Que the average joes who make all the same choices as these stars and they become hypocrites and start bashing on celebrities about how deplorable there choices are.

Secondly about his drug or drinking habits. Plenty of people struggle with addiction everyday in the world. Stripping them of their dignity and blaming them for things they say and do while on their preferred substance will not help them. You make yourself seem like an unsupportive ass. I have at one point struggled with addiction in my life and I can swear by the fact that I have done things and said things while messed up that I would certainly not do while sober.

Just because your rich or famous does not make you flawless. I'm just saying that we are no better as minimum wage people then they are as rich people. Yes, stars mess up but so don't we. They just mess up with more flare cause they have the money to dumb things with style. People are picking and choosing who's a better actor, actress or singer based on their life choices and not their talent. Stars aren't supposed to be role models for how we live our personal lives. Their characters may be but not them as a person. They can be role models also for their acting or singing ability but not their everyday choices. END RANT

Monday, January 9, 2012

My Southern Arch Angel

This post is dedicated to the Mitch wilder's of the world!!

I was 16 years old when I met Mitch wilder. I was hanging out with what normal people call "questionable characters". They were ranging in age from mid twenties to mid thirties. They dealt with drugs, money and things I knew little about. I acted as if I was tough and knew enough that I was let into inner circles of these people. I was over my head. One night while at one of the house these people congregated at I met a mid thirties outlaw biker named Mitch who was not shy about the gun he carried and he could look scary. I know this cause he looked like one scary ass dude when he walked into this house. I of course have always been missing a filter between my brain and mouth so when he commented about me being so young and being there I made a sarcastic comment that made everyone in the room go quiet and as they all held their breath and stared at this man I never once broke eye contact and held a shit eating grin on my face. He laughed and hard. This was the beginning of our budding friendship. We talked for a while that night. Nothing personal at first just random safe topics. I don't know if that's when he decided he would protect me but after that night he came back the next. We were in a Different House this time and he sought me out. After that we were inseparable. He made sure no one messed with me just cause I was younger. He would threaten guys I dated telling them he'd brake their legs if they mistreated me. He'd let me know when someone was lying to me about whatever dealings I was doing at the time. He also took me on a trip to his home state of Tennessee and introduced me to some great people. That was the first time I ever saw a sonic restaurant too. He taught me the ins and outs of the current world I was in. He taught me how to be safe all while trying to knock some sense into me about how I could be doing better things with my life. He knew I was in the game and not getting out no matter what he tried to convince me to do but he never gave up on me. He left to Tennessee and came back, a total of three times he came to new Hampshire and every time no matter where I lived in new Hampshire or what group of undesirables I hung out with he would find me. He would check on me and hang out while he was here. The last time he left I heard someone from up here that went back to Tennessee with him sold him out and he went to jail. I waited for him too come back and find me. I always told people about this second father to me. My southern arch angel. I searched online for him a couple times but I was never able to find him. He wasn't a Facebook type of guy. I stopped searching in 2007 cause I figured he was still in jail but when he got out he'd come back to new Hampshire and he'd find me like always. Just last night I had this total random thought about him and decided, what the hell I'll see if I can find him online one more time. You never know rite. I found him but it was his obituary I found. He died a year after I stopped searching in 2008. He was 45! Most people didn't understand why him and I hung out so much. He was the only older man I met who cared about my well being and not once did he say anything or do anything inappropriate like almost all the other men did. He saw me as a kid in a rough spot. I think maybe because he was a father he on some level felt obligated to look out for me. I'm glad he did. My life didn't turn out perfect, I didn't stop hanging out with the crowds he met me in till I was about 22 and I made bad choices but I would have been worse off if I never met Mitch wilder. When certain choices came up and the repercussions were going to be bad I usually thought " Mitch would chew me out for this" and I'd turn down that opportunity. So though I'm unsure wether I believe in heaven or hell I'd like to think that if they do exists that Mitch is in heaven because it's not always what you do in your life but how you effected those around you. He deserves heaven for all he did for me. I'll miss him and I just hope that if some other young girl is out there falling into the bad crowd so to speak, I hope she finds her very own Mitch wilder who will protect her and help her through it all.


You'll always be part of my past and future. I can't thank you enough!