Sunday, November 27, 2011


So I watch the shows like "A Haunting In Connecticut" and " A Haunting".. Ghosts fascinate me really. So I wonder if you live in a haunted house and the ghost is smart enough to open windows or throw dishes and what not, then why not treat it like a room-mate. I mean most the time there pissed cause people start renovating what the ghost feels is their house so why not get a chalk board or white board and ask it questions, let the ghost have a say of what happens to the house just like with a room mate. Treat it as a live person. You'd think that would pacify the entity to be included. I mean if a ghost feels it's alive enough to claim the house then treating it as a real live person would make it feel better don't ya think.

Another word of advice to people out there who ever have the cool opportunity to move to a haunted place and if you have kids and they keep telling you they see people in the house or if your animals are constantly tweaking out PAY ATTENTION.... You can't have a logical explanation for every weird thing like doors opening by themselves with no wind or hearing people walk around or actually seeing a ghost. We don't know everything so the possibility that ghost exists shouldn't be a surprise.. Just saying

The Night

The night.... It's when the world is truly alive. At night there's less cars putting fumes in the air, less people breathing in the wind so I have the fresh air to myself at night. Maybe not totally but more so then I would during the day. At night there's less noise and you can hear the world around you. The bats flying over head swooping up insects, the crickets song or the frogs chorus. That's why I like night. Less people more of what matters. Fresh air, owls, life. Animals own this rock not us. Evolution or creation it doesn't matter which one cause they both say animals where here first. We kill the world and they are one with it. They keep it alive, balanced, and you can here them keeping the balance best at night. That's why I love the night.